ray88’s diary




Option Explicit

Function getFileArray(strFolderPath As String) As String()
'機能  :指定したフォルダパスのフォルダ内のファイルを取得する
'引数1 :対象フォルダパス
'戻り値 :取得したファイルのパスを配列で返す

Dim FSO As Object
Dim tmpFile As Object
Dim objFiles As Object
Dim intFilesCount
Dim arrayFiles() As String
Dim i As Integer

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFiles = FSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath).Files
    intFilesCount = objFiles.Count
    i = 0
    ReDim arrayFiles(intFilesCount - 1)
    With FSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath)
        For Each tmpFile In .Files
            arrayFiles(i) = tmpFile.Name
            i = i + 1
    End With
    getFileArray = arrayFiles()

End Function

Function getSubFolderArray(strFolderPath As String) As String()
'機能  :指定したフォルダパスのフォルダ内のサブフォルダを取得する
'引数1 :対象フォルダパス
'戻り値 :取得したサブフォルダのパスを配列で返す

Dim FSO As Object
Dim subFolders As Object
Dim tmpFolder As Object
Dim intFolderCount As Integer
Dim arrayFolders() As String
Dim i As Integer

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set subFolders = FSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath).subFolders
    intFolderCount = subFolders.Count
    i = 0
    ReDim arrayFolders(intFolderCount - 1)
    With FSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath)
        For Each tmpFolder In .subFolders
            arrayFolders(i) = tmpFolder.Name
            i = i + 1
'            ReDim Preserve arrayFolders(i)
    End With
    getSubFolderArray = arrayFolders()

End Function

Function getExtension(strPath As String) As String

Dim FSO As Object

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    getExtension = FSO.getExtensionName(strPath)

End Function

Function getBaseFileName(strPath As String) As String
Dim FSO As Object

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     getBaseFileName = FSO.GetBaseName(strPath)

End Function

Function gefFileName(strPath As String) As String
Dim FSO As Object

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     gefFileName = FSO.GetFileName(strPath)
End Function

Function getParentFolderPath(strPath As String) As String
Dim FSO As Object

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     getParentFolderPath = FSO.getParentFolderName(strPath)
End Function

Function getSubFolderCount(strParentFolderPath As String) As Integer
Dim FSO As Object
Dim subFolders As Object

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set subFolders = FSO.GetFolder(strParentFolderPath).subFolders
    getSubFolderCount = subFolders.Count

End Function
Function getFileCount(strParentFolderPath As String) As Integer
Dim FSO As Object
Dim objFiles As Object

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFiles = FSO.GetFolder(strParentFolderPath).Files
    getFileCount = objFiles.Count

End Function

Sub prcFileCopy(strSourcePath As String, strDestPath As String)

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub Excution()
Const intZipCoumn As Integer = 2
Const intSubFolderColumn As Integer = 3
Const intBeforFileNameColumn As Integer = 4
Const intAfterFileNameColumn As Integer = 5
Const intResultColumn As Integer = 6

Const intStartRow As Integer = 5

Dim strParentFolderPath As String
Dim strOutputFolderPath As String
Dim arrayFiles() As String
Dim collZipFiles As Collection
Dim intFileCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim strExtention As String
Dim blResult As Boolean
Dim beforZipPath As String
Dim afterZipPath As String

strParentFolderPath = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C2")
strOutputFolderPath = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C3")

intFileCount = getFileCount(strParentFolderPath)

If intFileCount > 0 Then
    arrayFiles = getFileArray(strParentFolderPath)

    Set collZipFiles = New Collection

    For i = 0 To UBound(arrayFiles)
        strExtention = getExtension(arrayFiles(i))
        If strExtention = "zip" Then
            collZipFiles.Add arrayFiles(i)
        End If
    MsgBox collZipFiles.Count
    MsgBox collZipFiles.Item(1)
    Dim f As Variant
    For Each f In collZipFiles
        Debug.Print f
        beforZipPath = strParentFolderPath & "\" & f
        afterZipPath = strOutputFolderPath & "\" & f
        afterZipPath = Replace(afterZipPath, ".zip", "")
        blResult = unzipman(beforZipPath, afterZipPath)
        Debug.Print blResult

End If
End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub comfirmFolders()

    Const strSheetName As String = "Sheet1"
    Const intZipCoumn As Integer = 2
    Const intSubFolderColumn As Integer = 3
    Const intBeforFileNameColumn As Integer = 4
    Const intAfterFileNameColumn As Integer = 5
    Const intResultColumn As Integer = 6
    Const intStartRow As Integer = 6
    Dim strParentFolderPath As String
    Dim strOutputFolderPath As String
    Dim arrayFiles() As String
    Dim arrayFolders() As String
    Dim arraySubFolders() As String
    Dim intFileCount As Integer
    Dim intFolderCount As Integer
    Dim intSubFolderCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim strFolderName As String
    Dim strSubFolderName As String
    Dim strFileName As String
    Dim strExtention As String
    Dim blResult As Boolean
    Dim beforZipPath As String
    Dim afterZipPath As String
    Dim strTargetFolderPath As String
    Dim strTargetSubFolderPath As String
    Dim intExcelRow As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    intExcelRow = intStartRow
    strOutputFolderPath = Sheets(strSheetName).Range("C3")
    intFolderCount = getSubFolderCount(strOutputFolderPath)
    If intFolderCount = 0 Then
        MsgBox "確認対象フォルダは存在しません"
        arrayFolders = getSubFolderArray(strOutputFolderPath)
        '②FOR文 サブフォルダ(1階層目)数繰り返し処理
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrayFolders)
            strFolderName = arrayFolders(i)
            Sheets(strSheetName).Cells(intExcelRow, intZipCoumn) = strFolderName
            strTargetFolderPath = strOutputFolderPath & "\" & strFolderName & "\" & strFolderName
            intFileCount = getFileCount(strTargetFolderPath)
            If intFileCount > 0 Then
               arrayFiles = getFileArray(strTargetFolderPath)
               For j = 0 To UBound(arrayFiles)
                        strFileName = arrayFiles(j)
                        Sheets(strSheetName).Cells(intExcelRow, intBeforFileNameColumn) = strFileName
                        intExcelRow = intExcelRow + 1
               Next j
               Erase arrayFiles
            End If
            intSubFolderCount = getSubFolderCount(strTargetFolderPath)
'            ③サブフォルダ内のサブフォルダ(2階層目)ありの場合
            If intSubFolderCount > 0 Then
                arraySubFolders = getSubFolderArray(strTargetFolderPath)
                Dim k As Integer
                For k = 0 To UBound(arraySubFolders)
                    strSubFolderName = arraySubFolders(k)
                    Sheets(strSheetName).Cells(intExcelRow, intSubFolderColumn) = strSubFolderName
                    strTargetSubFolderPath = strTargetFolderPath & "\" & strSubFolderName
                    intFileCount = getFileCount(strTargetSubFolderPath)
                    If intFileCount > 0 Then
                        arrayFiles = getFileArray(strTargetSubFolderPath)
                        For j = 0 To UBound(arrayFiles)
                            strFileName = arrayFiles(j)
                            Sheets(strSheetName).Cells(intExcelRow, intBeforFileNameColumn) = strFileName
                            intExcelRow = intExcelRow + 1
                        Next j
                        Erase arrayFiles
                        intExcelRow = intExcelRow + 1
                    End If
                Next k
            End If
        Next i
    End If
End Sub


Option Explicit

Function fncGetFolderPath() As String
    Dim objDialog As Object   'FileDialogオブジェクト格納用
    Set objDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If objDialog.Show Then
        fncGetFolderPath = objDialog.SelectedItems(1)
        fncGetFolderPath = ""
    End If
End Function


Option Explicit

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ms As Long)
Public Function makezip(ByVal ZipPath, ByRef FileArray) As Boolean
'      zipファイルを生成する
    On Error GoTo Err_Handler
    Dim FSO, sh, file, num, zipFolder
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.application")
    If FSO.FileExists(ZipPath) = True Then
        FSO.DeleteFile ZipPath
    End If
    With FSO.CreateTextFile(ZipPath, True)
        .Write "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0)
    End With
    num = 0
    Set zipFolder = sh.Namespace(FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(ZipPath))
    For Each file In FileArray
        If CStr(file) <> "" Then
        file = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(file)
        zipFolder.CopyHere (file)
        num = num + 1
        End If
    Do Until zipFolder.Items().Count = num
        Sleep 100
    makezip = True
    Set FSO = Nothing
    Set sh = Nothing
    makezip = False
    Exit Function
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_makezip
End Function
Public Function testZip()
    Dim ret As Boolean
    Dim filepath As Variant
    Dim Files(0)
    Files(0) = "圧縮するフォルダのフルパスを入力"
    filepath = "作成するZIPファイルのフルパスを拡張子まで含めて入力"
    ret = makezip(filepath, Files)
End Function
Public Function unzipman(ByVal filepath As Variant, ByVal meltpath As Variant) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo Err_Handler
    Dim FSO As Object
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If FSO.FolderExists(meltpath) Then
        MkDir meltpath
    End If
    Set FSO = Nothing
    With CreateObject("Shell.Application")
      .Namespace(meltpath).CopyHere .Namespace(filepath).Items
    End With
    unzipman = True
    Exit Function
    unzipman = False
    Exit Function
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_unzipman
End Function
Function testmelting()
    Dim filepath As Variant
    Dim meltpath As Variant
    Dim ret As Boolean
    filepath = "ここにZIPファイルのパスを入れる"
    meltpath = "ここに解凍先フォルダを入れる"
    ret = unzipman(filepath, meltpath)
End Function


Option Explicit

Sub SelecParentFolder()
    Dim strPath As String
    strPath = fncGetFolderPath()
    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C2") = strPath
End Sub

Sub SelectOutputFolder()
    Dim strPath As String
    strPath = fncGetFolderPath()
    Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C3") = strPath
End Sub