参考URL:VBAメモ メソッドでCollectionを戻り値で返してみる | tetsuyanbo
Option Explicit Sub コレクションテスト() Dim testCo As Collection Dim maxNum As Integer Dim i As Integer Set testCo = MakeCollection() maxNum = testCo.Count For i = 1 To maxNum MsgBox testCo(i) Next End Sub
Function MakeCollection() As Collection Dim Col As Collection Set Col = New Collection With Col .Add "りんご" .Add "みかん" .Add "ばなな" End With Set MakeCollection = Col End Function
Sub コレクションテスト() Dim testCo As Collection Dim maxNum As Integer Dim v As Variant Set testCo = MakeCollection("りんご", "みかん", "ばなな") maxNum = testCo.Count For Each v In testCo MsgBox v Next End Sub
Function MakeCollection(strItem1 As String, strItem2 As String, strItem3 As String) As Collection Dim Col As Collection Dim num As Integer Set Col = New Collection With Col .Add strItem1 .Add strItem2 .Add strItem3 End With num = Col.Count If num = 0 Then Col.Add "アイテムなし" End If Set MakeCollection = Col End Function