ray88’s diary



Option Explicit

Sub Main()
    Dim toolWb As Workbook
    Dim intMaxRow As Integer
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Call checkBlankCell
    If strBlankMsg <> "" Then
            MsgBox "以下のセルの空欄を入力してから再実行してください" & vbCrLf & strBlankMsg
            Exit Sub
    End If
    Set toolWb = ThisWorkbook
    With Sheets(strMasterSheetName)
        strParentFolderPath = .Range(strParentFolderCell)
        Debug.Print "親フォルダパス:" & strParentFolderPath
        strRingiFolderPath = .Range(strRingiFolderCell)
        Debug.Print "稟議フォルダパス:" & strRingiFolderPath
    End With
    If fncIsExistsDir(strParentFolderPath) = False Then
        MsgBox "派遣会社フォルダパスに指定されたフォルダは存在しません。" & vbCrLf & _
                "正しいパスを" & strParentFolderCell & "セルに入力しなおしてから再実行してください" & _
                vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strParentFolderPath
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If fncIsExistsDir(strRingiFolderPath) = False Then
        MsgBox "稟議フォルダパスに指定されたフォルダは存在しません。" & vbCrLf & _
                "正しいパスを" & strRingiFolderCell & "セルに入力しなおしてから再実行してください" & _
                vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strRingiFolderPath
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Call 稟議ファイル有無結果クリア
    Call 一覧表をクリア
    strPassWord = InputBox("パスワード入力", "エクセルファイルのパスワードを入力してください。")
    If strPassWord = "" Then
        MsgBox "キャンセルします"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Call checkRingiFile
    Call GetSubfolder(strParentFolderPath)
    With toolWb.Sheets(strToolSheetName)
        intMaxRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, intSubFolderColumn).End(xlUp).Row
        Debug.Print "最終行:" & intMaxRow
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        For intCount = intSubFolderStartRow To intMaxRow
            Call 初期化
            strSubFolderName = .Cells(intCount, intSubFolderColumn)
            Debug.Print vbCrLf & "フォルダ名" + strSubFolderName
            strSeikyuNamePattern = Sheets(strConfigSheetName).Range(strSeikyuPdfNameCell)
            strMeisaiNamePattern = Sheets(strConfigSheetName).Range(strMeisaiPdfNameCell)
            strSeikyuNamePattern = ".*" & strSeikyuNamePattern & ".*" & "\.pdf"
            strMeisaiNamePattern = ".*" & strMeisaiNamePattern & ".*" & "\.pdf"
            blSeikyuPdfExists = fncCheckPdfFileName(strSubFolderName, strSeikyuNamePattern)
            blMeisaiPdfExists = fncCheckPdfFileName(strSubFolderName, strMeisaiNamePattern)
            Debug.Print "請求書pdf存在:" & blSeikyuPdfExists
            Debug.Print "請求明細書pdf存在:" & blMeisaiPdfExists
            If blSeikyuPdfExists = False Then
                strErrMsg = "請求書PDFがありません"
                blErrFlag = True
            End If
            strMeisaiNamePattern = .Range(strMeisaiFileNameCell)
            If blMeisaiPdfExists = False Then
                blMeisaiExcelExists = fncCheckExcelFileName(strSubFolderName, strMeisaiNamePattern)
            End If
            If blMeisaiExcelExists = True Then
                blCheckBookOpened = IsBookOpened(strParentFolderPath & "\" & strSubFolderName & "\" & strMeisaiExcelPath)
                Debug.Print "明細エクセル開かれているか?:" & blCheckBookOpened
            End If
            If blMeisaiPdfExists = False And blCheckBookOpened = True Then
'               'エラーメッセージを生成
                Call MakeErrMsg("請求明細PDFがありません/請求明細エクセルが開かれているため処理できませんでした")
                blErrFlag = True
            End If
            If blMeisaiPdfExists = False And blMeisaiExcelExists = False Then
'               'エラーメッセージを生成
                Call MakeErrMsg("請求明細PDFがありません/請求明細エクセルがありません")
                blErrFlag = True
            End If
            Debug.Print "請求明細xlsx存在:" & blMeisaiExcelExists
            strMeisaiNamePattern = Sheets(strConfigSheetName).Range(strMeisaiSheetNameCell)
            If blMeisaiPdfExists = False And blMeisaiExcelExists And blCheckBookOpened = False Then
                Debug.Print "請求明細書エクセルパス:" & strMeisaiExcelPath
                blMeisaiSheetExists = fncSheetExsists(strMeisaiExcelPath, strMeisaiNamePattern)
                Debug.Print "請求書明細書シート存在有無:" & blMeisaiSheetExists
            End If
            If blMeisaiPdfExists = False And blMeisaiExcelExists And blMeisaiSheetExists = False And blCheckBookOpened = False Then
                Call MakeErrMsg("請求明細書PDFがありません" & vbCrLf & _
                            strMeisaiExcelPath & "に" & strMeisaiNamePattern & "を含むシート名が存在しません")
                blErrFlag = True
            End If
            strMeisaiNamePattern = Sheets(strConfigSheetName).Range(strMeisaiPdfNameCell)
            If blMeisaiPdfExists = False And blMeisaiSheetExists = True Then
                strMeisaiPdfPath = strParentFolderPath & "\" & strSubFolderName & "\【請求明細書】_" & strMeisaiNamePattern & "_" & strSubFolderName & ".pdf"
                strMeisaiExcelPath = strParentFolderPath & "\" & strSubFolderName & "\" & strMeisaiExcelPath
                Call outputPDF(strMeisaiExcelPath, strMeisaiPdfPath, strMeisaiSheetName)
            End If
            If blErrFlag Then
                .Cells(intCount, intOutputResultColumn) = "NG"
                .Cells(intCount, intCauseErrrColumn) = strErrMsg
                .Cells(intCount, intOutputResultColumn) = "OK"
            End If
        Next intCount
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End With
    MsgBox "作業完了しました"

End Sub
Sub outputPDF(strExcelPath As String, strPdfPath As String, strTargetSheetName As String)
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim strSheetName As String
    Debug.Print "変換前エクセルパス:" & strExcelPath
    Debug.Print "変換後PDFパス:" & strPdfPath
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(strExcelPath, Password:=strPassWord, WriteResPassword:=strPassWord)
        With wb.Sheets(strTargetSheetName).PageSetup
            .Zoom = False
            .FitToPagesWide = 1
            .FitToPagesTall = 1
        End With
    wb.Sheets(strTargetSheetName).ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=strPdfPath
    Set wb = Nothing
End Sub
Sub checkBlankCell()

    strBlankMsg = ""
    Erase arrayBlankCell
    If Sheets(strMasterSheetName).Range(strParentFolderCell) = "" Then
            arrayBlankCell(0) = strParentFolderCell & ":派遣会社フォルダパス"
    End If
    With Sheets(strConfigSheetName)
        If .Range(strSeikyuPdfNameCell) = "" Then
            arrayBlankCell(1) = strSeikyuPdfNameCell & ":請求書PDFファイル名に含まれる文言"
        End If
        If .Range(strMeisaiPdfNameCell) = "" Then
            arrayBlankCell(2) = strMeisaiPdfNameCell & ":明細書PDFファイル名に含まれる文言"
        End If
        If .Range(strMeisaiFileNameCell) = "" Then
            arrayBlankCell(3) = strMeisaiFileNameCell & ":明細書Excelファイル名に含まれる文言"
        End If
        If .Range(strMeisaiSheetNameCell) = "" Then
            arrayBlankCell(4) = strMeisaiSheetNameCell & ":明細書シート名に含まれる文言"
        End If
    End With
    Dim i As Integer
        For i = LBound(arrayBlankCell) To UBound(arrayBlankCell)
            If arrayBlankCell(i) <> "" Then
                strBlankMsg = strBlankMsg & arrayBlankCell(i) & vbCrLf
            End If
End Sub

Function fncIsExistsDir(targetPath As String) As Boolean
'   結果をTrueまたはFalseで返す
     With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If .FolderExists(targetPath) Then
            fncIsExistsDir = True
            fncIsExistsDir = False
        End If
    End With
End Function

Sub GetSubfolder(strParentFolderPath As String)

    Dim f As Object
    Dim i As Integer
    i = intSubFolderStartRow
    With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        For Each f In .GetFolder(strParentFolderPath).SubFolders
            Sheets(strToolSheetName).Cells(i, 3) = f.Name
            Debug.Print f.Name
            i = i + 1
        Next f
    End With
End Sub
Sub 初期化()
    strSeikyuPdfPath = ""
    strMeisaiPdfPath = ""
'    strSeikyuExcelPath = ""
    strMeisaiExcelPath = ""
    strSubFolderPath = ""
    strSubFolderName = ""
    blCreatePdf = False
    blSeikyuExcelExists = False
    blSeikyuPdfExists = False
    blSeikyuSheetExists = False
    blMeisaiPdfExists = False
    blMeisaiExcelExists = False
    blMeisaiSheetExists = False
    blErrFlag = False
    blCheckBookOpened = False
    strErrMsg = ""

End Sub
Function fncCheckPdfFileName(strFolderName As String, strPattern As String) As Boolean
    Dim blResult As Boolean
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim objReg As Object
'    Dim strFileType As String
    Set objReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        objReg.Global = True
        objReg.Pattern = strPattern
        'Dir関数の引数にワイルドカード含む引数設定 (最初のDir関数実行)
        Filename = Dir(strParentFolderPath & "\" & strFolderName & "\" & "*.pdf")

        Do While Filename <> ""
          fncCheckPdfFileName = objReg.test(Filename)
          If fncCheckPdfFileName Then
            Exit Do
          End If
          'Dir関数の引数を省略 (2回目以降引数省略でDir関数実行)
          Filename = Dir()
        Set objReg = Nothing
End Function

Function fncCheckExcelFileName(strFolderName As String, strPattern As String) As Boolean
    Dim blResult As Boolean
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim objReg As Object
        'Dir関数の引数にワイルドカード含む引数設定 (最初のDir関数実行)
        Filename = Dir(strParentFolderPath & "\" & strFolderName & "\" & "*.xls*")

        Do While Filename <> ""
            If InStr(Filename, strPattern) > 0 Then
                    strMeisaiExcelPath = Filename
                    fncCheckExcelFileName = True
                Exit Do
            End If
          'Dir関数の引数を省略 (2回目以降引数省略でDir関数実行)
          Filename = Dir()
'        If fncCheckExcelFileName = False And strErrMsg <> "" Then
'            strErrMsg = strErrMsg & vbCrLf
'        End If
        Set objReg = Nothing
End Function

Sub selectFolderPath()
    Dim targetPath As String
    Dim objDialog As Object   'FileDialogオブジェクト格納用
    Set objDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If objDialog.Show Then
        targetPath = objDialog.SelectedItems(1)
        Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C3") = targetPath
        MsgBox "フォルダ選択キャンセル"
    End If
End Sub

Function fncSheetExsists(strpath As String, strPattern As String) As Boolean
'    指定された文字列を含むシート名の有無を返す
'    shName = ""
    fncSheetExsists = False
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim shCount As Integer
    Dim sh As Variant
    Dim objReg As Object
    Dim strShName As String
    Dim strFileType As String
    Debug.Print "対象ブックパス:" & strParentFolderPath & "\" & strSubFolderName & "\" & strpath
'    blCheckBookOpened = IsBookOpened(strParentFolderPath & "\" & strSubFolderName & "\" & strpath)
    Debug.Print "フラグ :" & blCheckBookOpened
'    If blCheckBookOpened = True Then
'        Call MakeErrMsg("明細PDFなし/明細エクセルが開かれていたため処理できませんでした")
'        blErrFlag = True
'        Exit Function
'    End If
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(strParentFolderPath & "\" & strSubFolderName & "\" & strpath, _
                            , Password:=strPassWord, WriteResPassword:=strPassWord)
    shCount = wb.Sheets.Count
    For Each sh In wb.Sheets
            If InStr(sh.Name, strPattern) > 0 Then
                strMeisaiSheetName = sh.Name
                fncSheetExsists = True
            Exit For
          End If
    Set wb = Nothing
    Set objReg = Nothing
End Function

Public Function IsBookOpened(ByVal FilePath As String) As Boolean
  On Error Resume Next
     Open FilePath For Append As #1
     Close #1
     If Err.Number > 0 Then
       IsBookOpened = True
     End If
End Function
Sub MakeErrMsg(addMsg As String)

    Debug.Print "strErrMsg:" & strErrMsg
    Debug.Print "addMsg :" & addMsg

    If strErrMsg = "" Then
       strErrMsg = addMsg
        strErrMsg = strErrMsg & vbCrLf & addMsg
    End If
    Debug.Print "strErrMsg:" & strErrMsg

End Sub

Sub checkRingiFile()
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim intLastRow As Integer
    Dim arrayIndex As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim f As Object
    Dim blRingiFileExists As Boolean
    Dim strRingiErrMsg As String
    With Sheets(strConfigSheetName)
        intLastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, intRingiNoColumn).End(xlUp).Row
        If intLastRow = intRingiNoStartRow - 1 Then
            Call MakeErrMsg(strConfigSheetName & "に稟議番号の記載がないため判定不可")
            Exit Sub
        End If
        arrayIndex = 0
        For i = intRingiNoStartRow To intLastRow
            ReDim Preserve arrayRingiNo(arrayIndex)
            arrayRingiNo(arrayIndex) = .Cells(i, intRingiNoColumn)
            arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1

        With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
            For i = LBound(arrayRingiNo) To UBound(arrayRingiNo)
                blRingiFileExists = False
                For Each f In .GetFolder(strRingiFolderPath).Files
                    If InStr(f.Name, arrayRingiNo(i)) > 0 Then
                        blRingiFileExists = True
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next f
                If blRingiFileExists = False Then
                    If strRingiErrMsg = "" Then
                        strRingiErrMsg = "稟議番号:" & arrayRingiNo(i) & "のPDFファイルがありません"
                        strRingiErrMsg = strRingiErrMsg & vbCrLf & "稟議番号:" & arrayRingiNo(i) & "のPDFファイルがありません"
                    End If
                End If
                Debug.Print "稟議番号" & arrayRingiNo(i)
                Debug.Print "稟議有無フラグ" & blRingiFileExists
                Debug.Print "稟議エラーメッセージ:"; strRingiErrMsg
            Next i
        End With
    End With
    With Sheets(strToolSheetName)
        If strRingiErrMsg <> "" Then
                .Range(strRingiNoReultCell) = "NG"
                .Range(strRingiNoCauseErrCell) = strRingiErrMsg
                .Range(strRingiNoReultCell) = "OK"
        End If
    End With
End Sub